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Plastic to Fuel

Discover the world's FIRST plastic to fuel unit that turns tonnes of plastic waste into hydrogen and other high profit products. 


uses chemical recycling (pyrolysis), which heats the plastic in the absence of oxygen and captures all emissions to synthesise products that are of a higher value than mechanical recycling.

This game changing technology and community solution will transform pollution in the poorest coastal communities into a new commodity.


Our landfills are filling up and we need a way to get rid of our plastic waste. Currently, mechanical recycling systems are limited as they only recycle limited types of plastic. Out of which, only squeaky clean household plastic can be recycled. 


What happens to oily take away containers, styrofoam boxes, or the 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic floating in our seas? 

What if we could turn waste, into a precious resource?

A source of low carbon renewable energy to power the future. 





Hydrogen is a clean, zero-carbon fuel that, when consumed in a fuel cell, produces only water.

This gas is currently expensive to produce but provides an inherently clean source of energy, with no adverse environmental impact.


Eco Fuel


IMO 2020 regulations from 1st Jan 2020 limits the sulphur in the fuel oil used aboard ships operating outside designated emission control areas to 0.50% m/mVLSFO. 


Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oils (VLSFO) produced by OPP's PTF unit have relatively low viscosity, low density fuel oil with good ignition properties. 


Carbon Nanotube

 carbon nanotubes 

are the strongest and stiffest materials yet discovered in terms of tensile strength and elasticity.

It enhances a range of consumer products, produce powerful

e-vehicle batteries, smart textiles and stronger plastic products. 

carbon nanotubes

Carbon black

 carbon black 

is used to enhance everyday items made out of plastic, rubber and ink. It also acts as a UV stabiliser, pigment and insulating agent.


It's ubiquitous applications makes it

highly marketable.

carbon black

Watch more to find out how we turn your trash into treasure!

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