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International Coastal clean-up day
Volunteers helping out in OPP's beach clean up to celebrate International Coastal Clean Up Day.
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Ocean Purpose Project represented Singapore in the global UN Race for Oceans campaign, combining sports and knowledge sharing to raise awareness for UN SDG 14: Life below water. This was done through a kayak race, beach clean up, and seaweed identification game.
Covid-19 Migrant worker project
DBS kids event:
community engagement
Social entrepreneurship screening and learning session about ocean pollution and seaweed bioplastics in 2019.
Covid 19 migrant worker project
The OPP family stepping up to do what we can to help community projects for migrant workers during Covid 19 outbreak in 2020.
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1 million tree planting
Doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint by volunteering to take part in Singapore Green Plan's 1 million tree movement.